Under the Patronage of H.E. the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou

Delphi Economic Forum X

April 09-12, 2025

Peter Grk

Peter  Grk

Peter Grk

Secretary General of Bled Strategic Forum and National Coordinator for Western Balkans

Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Slovenia

Peter Grk is currently serving as Secretary General of the Bled Strategic Forum and National Coordinator for the Western Balkans at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Slovenia. 
With more than 20 years of experience in the diplomatic service, Peter Grk has held posts in Ankara, Copenhagen and Brussels. During Slovenia’s EU Presidency (2008), he served as Chair of the Committee for Civilian Aspects of Crisis Management (CIVCOM). 
He was also posted to New York (2011) as Political Coordinator at the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Slovenia to the UN and served as an advisor in the Cabinet of the Foreign Minister of Slovenia (2009 to 2011) and as Chief Foreign Policy Advisor to the Prime Minister of Slovenia (2013 to 2014). 
He holds a degree in political science.

Peter Grk je trenutno generalni sekretar Blejskega strateškega foruma in nacionalni koordinator za Zahodni Balkan na Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Slovenije.
Z 18-letnimi izkušnjami v diplomatski službi je Peter Grk opravljal funkcije v Ankari, Københavnu in Bruslju. V času slovenskega predsedovanja EU (2008) je bil predsednik Odbora za civilne vidike kriznega upravljanja (CIVCOM).
Bil je napoten v New York (2011) kot politični koordinator pri Stalni misiji Republike Slovenije pri OZN in služboval kot svetovalec v kabinetu zunanjega ministra Slovenije (2009 do 2011) in kot glavni svetovalec za zunanjo politiko predsedniku vlade Slovenije (2013 do 2014). Je diplomirani politolog.